Instant Cash Loans From
Trusted Money Lender Singapore

Best Money Lender In Singapore Providing Fast Cash Loan To Support Your Financial Needs. Apply for a Personal Loan with us for instant loan disbursement in 30 minutes!


Loan disbursement in 30 minutes


Loan disbursement in 1 hour

Individual & Business Loans We Offer

Licensed Money Lender in Singapore

We understand that getting a fast cash loan in Singapore from a bank might not be easy due to their stricter requirements and more complicated processes.

Here at Quick Loan, we are a licensed money lender in Singapore that has the right loan for you whatever your needs.

We Are The Best MoneyLender In Singapore!


Instant Loan Approval in 20 minutes

Get your instant loan approval in Singapore in just 20 minutes—much faster than at banks. We don’t want to keep you waiting, especially if you need cash urgently.


Get Cash on the Spot

Receive your urgent cash loan today in Singapore for emergency or immediate use. No more delays or cumbersome processes to access your funds.


Low Interest Rate

With our competitive monthly interest rates, a fast loan in Singapore helps you borrow responsibly and maintain your peace of mind.


Tailored to Your Needs

We are a money lender in Singapore with flexible payment plans tailored to your needs and salary, ensuring greater affordability for loan repayment.

Money lender In Singapore
Money lender In Singapore
Frequently Asked Questions

The minimum requirements for applying for a personal loan in Singapore depend primarily on your citizenship, income level and age. Quick Loan requires you to be at least 18 years of age with a minimum salary of SGD1,800 to qualify for a personal loan. 


Singapore banks have stricter eligibility conditions and income level requirements. However, non-bank loan requirements tend to be much more lenient, making licensed moneylenders a reliable alternative if you cannot meet a bank’s prerequisites or require cash on top of what banks have offered you. 


At Quick Loan, you can look forward to a simple and speedy approval process once you’ve met our requirements for a personal loan. You can also apply for a quick loan or licensed moneylender loan with us to secure urgent funds.

As a licensed moneylender in Singapore, we offer a wide range of fast loan options to meet your unique needs and financial circumstances. You can start your loan application process with Quick Loan on our website, on WhatsApp or by visiting our office


Next, we’ll invite you to a free in-person consultation, where you must present all the necessary documents to verify your loan eligibility. A dedicated loan officer from our team will evaluate your application and help you understand the terms and conditions of your selected loan. 


Once you’re happy with your loan conditions, interest rates and other fees, you may sign a contract and receive your cash on the spot. 

When borrowing from a licensed money lender in Singapore, you can look forward to low interest rates, fast approval times with less stringent requirements and no hidden fees.

This is because licensed moneylenders are private loan companies verified by Singapore’s Registry of Moneylenders and subject to strict regulations under the Moneylenders Act. You can be sure that all your interactions with a licensed moneylender will be entirely legal and transparent. 

Several factors can help you determine if you’re dealing with a legitimate moneylender. For instance, all licensed moneylenders in Singapore cannot charge interest rates higher than 4% on fast loans. They will never send you promotional material via email, SMS or social media. 

Also, face-to-face verification is required for all borrowers. This is the reason why licensed moneylenders will always have a physical office where we consult with all borrowers in person. 

If you encounter any lenders who claim to offer fully online loan approvals, be wary, as they are most likely unlicensed moneylenders or loan sharks.    

Start your loan application process with Quick Loan on our website, on WhatsApp or by visiting our office.

Besides ensuring that you meet Quick Loan’s eligibility criteria, we advise you to consider a couple of essential factors before you decide on the right loan for your needs. 

First, consider your capacity to pay off the cash loan and interest. Borrow only what you need and can afford to repay. We recommend that you shop around for competitive interest rates that keep your repayments affordable. Licensed moneylenders cannot charge more than 4% monthly interest, so you’ll enjoy low effective interest rates when you take out a instant loan with us. 

Secondly, don’t rush to commit to a loan until you fully understand and are satisfied with the terms and conditions of your contract. Your chosen licensed moneylender must explain the loan terms to you in simple and accessible language and provide you with a copy of the contract for safekeeping.  

Depending on your needs, your dedicated loan officer at Quick Loan will work with you to determine a repayment schedule and interest rate that best accommodates your financial situation.

It’s vital to ensure that any moneylender you’re dealing with is licensed, so you don’t fall prey to scams by loan sharks or unlicensed lenders. 

All licensed moneylenders in Singapore are listed in the Registry of Moneylenders. We advise you to consult this list to verify that your selected moneylender is licensed. 

The Singaporean government regulates all licensed moneylenders with strict operational requirements. These guidelines will help you determine whether you’re dealing with a licensed moneylender. 

For example, a licensed moneylender is not allowed to solicit loans through text messages, phone calls or social media. We must also meet all applicants at our offices to verify their identity before approving any fast loans. Furthermore, licensed moneylenders have a strict 4% cap on monthly interest rates that can be charged.

About Us

Conveniently located in the heart of Singapore’s CBD, Quick Loan is dedicated to providing
a comprehensive selection of fast cash loans to the general public in Singapore.

We aim to be the go to alternative to traditional bank loans, especially when conventional financing options may not be viable due to time constraints, credit history or other factors. 

As a licensed money lender in Singapore, we take pride in providing fast and reliable loan services to our clients. You can count on Quick Loan as your dependable source for your
personal loan, home renovation loan, wedding loan and more.    

Featured Loans

Our range of cash loans can offer support when you need extra funds to tide over unexpected situations or boost your short term cash flow.

Here are three of the loan types you can obtain from Quick Loan. Singapore 


Personal Loan

We understand that life is full of unexpected challenges, and sometimes you need extra financial support to overcome them. That's where our tailored personal loan service can make a real difference.

Our multi purpose personal loans can help relieve your financial burdens, cover emergency expenses or even finance your personal goals.  

With lenient eligibility conditions and speedy processing times, you can obtain the funds you need in as little as 30 minutes. We also offer flexible monthly repayment plans to accommodate your unique needs and circumstances.

Know More About Personal Loans


Licensed Moneylender Loan

Aside from banks and financial institutions, licensed moneylenders are the only legal private entities allowed to provide quick cash loans in Singapore. If you meet all our loan requirements, we can provide you with funds worth up to six times your salary. 

For instance, with a monthly salary of $3,000, you can look forward to a maximum loan amount of $18,000. 

What’s more, our instant cash loan doesn’t require any guarantor, which helps speed up the application process. With us, getting the cash you need will take only 30 minutes. 

You’ll also enjoy low interest rates and affordable repayment plans tailored to your income and financial circumstances.

Know more about Licensed Moneylender Loan


Wedding Loan

With our wedding loan, you can access the funds you need to realise your dream wedding while maintaining peace of mind.

Whether it's booking the venue of your dreams, hiring the best vendors or arranging for decorations, we've got you covered.

Depending on your overall eligibility, we can offer you a maximum loan of up to six times your monthly income. This will help with financing wedding costs, including catering, photography and even your honeymoon. 

Know more about Wedding Loan

3 Easy Steps to Applying for a Loan

Get your loan approved in 20 minutes or less!




Apply online


Apply at our office


Apply via Whatsapp


Free Consultation and
Signing of Agreement

Consult with us at our office, present required documents and sign the loan contract

Receive Cash

Get your cash on the spot with trusted & licensed money lender Singapore!